Wandering Scribe
Like many of you I have been following wanderingscribe's blog and like many of you I want to believe that she is the genuine article BUT and it's a large BUT (as opposed to a large butt - but that's another story :-) ) BUT, the more I read, the more I start to doubt her genuineness and begin to suspect her ingenuity. There are too many little tantalising titbits, which makes me suspect that her blog is a publicity vehicle for a forthcoming book.
The little girl in the pink dress, sitting in her bedroom awaiting the police, is a prime example - she keeps mentioning her, and more recently a knife has been added to the scenario, but (that word again) we don't hear why she is waiting and so we come back for more and hope that all will be revealed. Perhaps it will, but is it a truth or just a fiction? And don't forget the two sinister men - one in a car in the woods and the other in the hospital canteen - why are they sinister? why are they mentioned? are they just there to draw you in or will they actually have a bearing on the eventual outcome?
Also, if she doesn't have an address, where does she collect her benefit cheque? Surely it's not addressed to Anya Peters, Woodland, United Kingdom????
For someone who wants to remain anonymous she has been leaving an awfully big paper trail so that I can imagine there are a lot of people watching for her in and around Camden Town.
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