Wandering Scribbles

The collected wanderings of a demented old nutter !!! ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Monday, May 08, 2006

Wandering Scribe Revisited

WS finally posted the news that she may have got herself an agent – so presumably this means there is a publishing contract in the offing? I can see the detractors already lining up their big guns with, “I told you she had a multi-million publishing contract in the pipeline”. I for one do not believe that this was the case when she started, nobody but nobody becomes homeless with the intention of publishing a book, but I think as time wore on and people told her just how good a writer she is and some may have suggested that she get something published then I think WS saw that these ideas could become a possibility.

Well for Christ sake if JK Rowling can make a fortune then why can’t somebody with some actual writing talent profit from it? Especially if that person is homeless with no idea of what the future holds. I will be one of the first in the queue if/when it gets published. Don’t tell me that you won’t – because you read her blog and your attention was held by what she wrote, so guess what a book would be like once she gets her ideas into a proper (?) layout. Frankly I hope she keeps to her blog style, which is more spontaneous and shows her fears and feelings at the time, though I can see the drawback of trying to write about the situation with the benefit of hindsight.

What surprises me is that she appears to have come through this with her sanity and dignity intact (well I hope that she has, it cannot have been easy for her) – I had a reply to a comment I posted recently and although it is difficult to tell about a person’s state of mind or personality from a written note you can get a rough idea of how they feel from their choice of words. She could really have blasted me for some of my comments but didn’t – hopefully she saw that my anger was not directed at her but some of her fanatical supporters.

Any way, let me be one of the first to congratulate her on what may hopefully be a new and rewarding career and take this opportunity to wish her luck in the future. I do hope that you will soon be enjoying some of the pleasures of a more ‘normal’ life style.

P.S. please send me an autographed copy :-)

…and for alien freak this PS is humour – something you don’t seem to have heard of.